Abandoned Baby in the Burundian Bush!

Theo has grown into a wonderful young man
Abandoned Baby in the Burundian Bush!

Theo was found abandoned under a bush by an old widow, Arielle, who heard him crying as she passed by.

She was dirt poor and could only afford to feed him one bottle of banana beer each week. When she brought him to Youth for Christ, he was barely alive, just rag and bones. He became the first orphan in YFC’s care. Over the following months, those caring for him talked of him almost having a new layer of skin develop. He wanted something in his mouth the whole time because he’d been so starved. That was back in 2005. Look at him now!

Let me be honest with you, Theo is one of 93 kids who have grown up over the years, and need continued providing for. In fact, as they’ve grown, YFC hasn’t asked for increased support even though school fees and food costs have risen steadily. And teenage kids don’t look as cute as little babies, so folks are less drawn to help than before. Yet the needs remain. We’re running short of about £25/$33 per child per month. We’ll see them over the next few years to adulthood and into jobs when they can fend for themselves.

A huge encouragement is that a very generous friend has offered matched funding for this appeal, so you can double your money with a donation, and it’d be even more wonderful if you could make it a monthly one. The needs in Burundi remain huge, with the World Bank still listing Burundi as the poorest country in the world.

Please consider journeying with us so the likes of Theo finish their childhood in a strong position and are launched out into the world to make a difference in their nation – a stunning turnaround having (in his case) started off abandoned on the scrapheap of life. Here is how your donation could make a difference:

  • £25 per month will cover the shortfall for one child
  • £50 per month could pay the wage of a house-mother
  • £150 could procure a refurbished laptop for the IT lab
  • £500 could provide a month of daily meals for one school of 300 children
  • £2000 could cover the emergency need to repair the school bus

Donations will be matched up to £30,000. Gift Aid is used where most needed. Your donation will be allocated to GLO’s YFC Fund to be used for YFC activities in Burundi.

Other Giving Options:

If you are donating in other currencies, please do include a message to inform us of what your donation is for (appeal, sponsorship etc)

To give by bank transfer:

Account Name: Great Lakes Outreach
Account No: 13505459
Sort Code: 60-04-53

Please put your name and GLO as the reference and email info@greatlakesoutreach.org to tell us. 

Cheques are payable to Great Lakes Outreach and should be sent to:
Great Lakes Outreach, 1st Floor, Tower House, Latimer Park, Chesham, Buckinghamshire, HP5 1TU. 

International Bank Transfers: 

Contact us if you would like to send GLO an international bank transfer from a non-UK bank account.

The needs in Burundi are huge and donations will be used where most needed unless stated. Gift Aid is also used where most needed.