Bouncing Back

Bouncing Back

I no longer have any problems with feeding my family nor paying my children's school fees.

I no longer have any problems with feeding my family nor paying my children's school fees.

Thalia* was trapped in a horrific situation. Living in a slum as a young mother of three, with almost no money, she had a lot of pressures. But when she most needed the support and care of her husband, he was abusive and controlling. He refused to share his earnings with her, and even beat her when she asked for money. Thalia did her best to provide. She’d sell vegetables and peanuts in the street, but was only able to make pennies.

Their children didn’t have the materials required for school – although primary education is free, children must bring their own books, stationery and uniform. So the kids would turn up at class empty-handed, only to be sent home again. We can only imagine the humiliation they must have felt.

When Thalia spotted an opportunity to change her tragic circumstances, she seized it with both hands. Spotting some friends headed for a savings group operated by Greenland Alliance, Thalia asked what they were doing. When they told her about the scheme, she asked to join. 

In the group, she was equipped with training, and given the opportunity to join their microloans scheme. Thalia’s mindset totally changed, “I realized that I could work myself and provide necessities for my family instead of always waiting for what my husband gives us”, she said.

With capital of £27 / $35, she had a leg-up to start a business delivering lunch to workers. Word got around and business quickly boomed, with the demand now outweighing the supply! In the picture, you can see Thalia in full flow preparing that day’s meals, a smile on her face as she thrives. She hopes to employ some more women stuck in similar situations – which will create a beautiful ripple effect in the community!

Thalia has now repaid the loan, and is able to provide her children with what they need. Moreover, her grit and determination made a strong impression on her husband, who has changed his behaviour, with things improving in their relationship. 

“I no longer have any problems with feeding my family nor paying my children’s school fees and my husband respects me now and doesn’t beat me anymore.”

Greenland Alliance’s model of empowering those in need is effective because it enables people to grow for themselves, rather than creating a dependent relationship. This philosophy of hand-ups, rather than hand-outs, is foundational for our partners.  You can support this kind of transformational work today with a donation to GLO.

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