Building Homes, Building Lives

Building Homes, Building Lives

In December 2021, we highlighted the plight of families living in dilapidated and insecure housing. You generously donated towards building homes for people in Burundi. Many were living in shacks or damaged buildings, with all the struggle which that brings. But with your support, many of our Partners have been able to provide adequate housing for precious families in Burundi.

Igniting Communities for Jesus work in Batwa villages, people seen as being right at the bottom of Burundian society. They have recently been able to build 4 new homes! As you see the difference between their former abodes and the new homes, you can imagine the profound difference it will make in the lives of these precious families. The funds raised from that Christmas appeal, will enable our partners like ICJ to continue building houses for vulnerable families for several years to come.

I hope this video brings a smile to your face! Please keep journeying with us.


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