Foundation Charles Nkazamyampi (FCN) uses sport as a vehicle for uniting communities and sharing its ideals of peace-building, empowerment, and outreach. They have ambitious plans to build a resource community centre with lodgings, sports facilities, medical care, training facilities and more. They are currently involved in 8 (out of 18) provinces, and encourage young people to sign up to their Commitment to Peace cards to prevent them making long-term bad choices.
Charles set up FCN after winning the 800m silver medal in the World Indoor Toronto Championships Toronto in 1993 – the first Burundian Finalist. He realised that much of Burundi’s violence came from young people who had no leadership or direction. He set up FCN to use his status as a national role model to promote peace.
FCN has already had a significant impact in many people’s lives, and with its inspirational founder, there is much to come.