United Citizens for Change and Development

United Citizens for Change and Development

(formerly UCE – United Christians in Evangelism)

United Citizens for Change and Development is a vibrant indigenous organisation that GLO is so excited to partner with. With very little outside support, this group of passionate Burundians laboured for a decade before coming to our attention. Unlike all our other partners, United Citizens for Change and Development (UCCD) had no base in the capital, Bujumbura, but worked out of Ngozi in the North.

Their activities range widely, but come under the following main areas: evangelism through gospel rallies and showing of films; engagement with Muslims; capacity building of church leaders; discipleship of children with training of Sunday school workers; entrepreneurial agriculture projects through creating cooperatives; church prayer mobilisation and revival conferences; mobile theological training in multiple locations.

UCCD is hugely impressive. The team is willing to work hard, travel all over the country, engage in dangerous areas, and make their funds stretch a long way. Their zeal and fruitfulness is remarkable. They provide a constant stream of inspiring transformational stories, and we can see God’s blessing on their sacrificial labours.

Stories from United Citizens for Change and Development:

Open for Service!

‘This is so wrong!’ That was the gut-wrenching feeling Isaiah felt when he saw retired church Pastors begging in markets. Clergy who retire in Burundi rarely have any pension or savings, so they and their families can end up destitute. Isaiah was determined to do something about it. “It was

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Amazing Applied Leadership!

“Today marks a significant milestone in my journey.” Pastor Joseph Minani is dressed up in his best clothes to celebrate a significant occasion – graduating with his Masters Degree! He is one of 1934 to do so this year. United Citizens for Change and Development (UCCD) operates these pop-up Bible

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Bottom-up and Top-down

Our mission is to transform Burundi from the bottom-up and top-down. Bottom-up addresses symptoms such as poverty, sickness or hunger, whereas top-down transformation tackles the root causes. United Christians for Change and Development (UCCD) has invested many years in bottom-up transformation, impacting thousands across Burundi through education, evangelism and humanitarian

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Thunderbolts from Heaven!

Nearly every other weekend of the year, the UCCD team are out in remote parts of Burundi, collaborating with local churches to run Gospel outreach events. In 2023 alone, over 54,000 people attended these events, with 8,621 people making that special decision to become followers of Jesus! They often see

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Support United Citizens for Change and Development

Every donation, small or large makes a difference to someone in Burundi. The needs in Burundi are great, but your giving will make a huge difference! Are you able to give a monthly amount? Steady, ongoing support provides an anchor during challenging times.

Pray for United Citizens for Change and Development