World Outreach Initiatives

World Outreach Initiatives

World Outreach Initiatives was founded in 1999 by Samuel Nimubona, a dynamic Burundian with a passion and a vision as a peace-making patriot in his war-torn nation. He managed to draw people together from across the political spectrum. Through his international relationships, he started up the local branch of the National Prayer Breakfast. WOI set up a radio station to maximise the strategic opportunities in what is an aural culture – everybody has a radio. So Radio Ivyizigiro (Hope) was launched in 2000, broadcasting throughout the country with Bible teachings as well as cultural and health programs.

Sadly Samuel was murdered in 2002. His wife Delphine bravely took up the running of WOI, and two medical clinics are now run by them. Delphine left the country in 2016, handing over the leadership to Francine Ngendakuriyo. WOI is a key platform for pastor-training and uniting churches in common ventures, which is another reason why GLO is keen to get behind them.

Simon Guillebaud introduces World Outreach Initiatives

Stories from World Outreach Initiatives:

Remarkable Resilience

When we got the chance to visit Beatrice – we were so blown away by her story that we knew we had to share it! Beatrice was a healthy and very active woman in her community. Even though she struggled, she always gave her all to her only child. She

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Daphrosa - world outreach initiatives

Life Clinics Bringing Hope

It’s been 40 years since the first reported HIV cases. For over 15 years, the Life Clinics of GLO’s partner World Outreach Initiatives have supported over a thousand people who live with HIV by providing them with Antiretroviral Regimens, also known as ARV. Daphrosa a mother of 4 children is

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peaceful green Burundi hills with clouds and fog as the sun shines through

The Peacemakers of Kirundo

‘Blessed are the Peacemakers’. We are familiar with that verse from the bible. Our partners, World Outreach Initiatives, have explored making it a reality in the training sessions they arranged for the pastors of Kirundo. As a country, Burundi has undergone times of violence and conflict throughout its recent history.

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Every donation, small or large makes a difference to someone in Burundi. The needs in Burundi are great, but your giving will make a huge difference! Are you able to give a monthly amount? Steady, ongoing support provides an anchor during challenging times.

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