Martine came from a nominally religious background. Things began to change when her mother became a Christian. Shortly after, her father also felt God’s calling upon his life and he too became a committed follower of Jesus. The family began to attend an evangelical church and it was here that Martine was to share in the experience of her parents.
One Sunday morning, she didn’t attend Sunday School with the other children but decided to stay with the adults and listen to the service. At the end there was a call for those who wanted to commit themselves to Jesus to walk forward. Martine recalls not fully understanding why she had got to her feet, but she was aware as she prayed of a feeling of great joy and a sense of peace. She says, “Deep down I knew something had changed.”
A lady from the church visited Martine at home to help guide her through what had happened and how to become a disciple of Jesus. Martine was only eleven-years-old but she listened attentively and she feels that this lady laid a pretty solid foundation for all that was to follow.
Martine planned to study in the USA and was thrilled to receive a scholarship. But to most people’s incredulity and bemusement, she felt God calling her to remain in country and study Law at the University of Burundi. It was here that she met her husband so she’s very grateful now for the way her plans were changed.
After University, Martine’s father suggested that she came to work at the family’s TV station, Heritage. Initially she was cautious as she thought there were others with a more appropriate skill-set. She had many questions regarding the role of Heritage TV in confronting the many different doctrines within the Church and also the importance of integrity amongst the contributors. She tells of how God worked with her to guide her forward. She has been so grateful for mature, spiritual partners and the way they have worked together to realise the vision of God for the TV station.
Looking back she can see that her life was mapped out well in advance. She knows she is where she is meant to be, “Right now, I am living one of my greatest dreams. To be useful to others and to serve the Lord.”