Sometimes it’s just plain wrong… and we have to do something about it.
It is wrong that a pastor serves God faithfully his whole life and then ends up with no pension in total poverty, abandoned by his children, dying penniless and uncared for, sometimes regretting he’s given his life to the Lord’s service in the first place. And yet such a scenario is relatively common in a country where very few people get a pension.
Last year, GLO partner UCE bought some land upcountry to build a retirement village for these precious servants. So we want to put some buildings up, buy lots more land to give these Pastors a home to live out their latter years in peace – well-fed, nurtured and valued. That sounds right to me!
Whilst another organisation is committing funding to the building work, we want to help the whole project be self-sustaining by buying a lot more of the available surrounding land to develop for farming to feed the community. Sowing into this means that whatever you give will keep on generating blessing for posterity!
There’s also a dream for it to one day become a place of refuge for new Christians suffering persecution. I love this!
We have now completed this fundraiser – a huge thanks to everyone who donated last year! This year, we are raising money for computers, if you would like to support us!