Super Supporter – Robyn

Super Supporter – Robyn

When Robyn joined us for the Day of Prayer & Fasting for Burundi at the start of 2025, we were amazed as we realised it was in the early hours of the morning for her in Australia. Not only that, she joined us again throughout the day as we shared together via the Zoom meetings… a true Super Supporter for GLO!

So, we asked Robyn, “What inspires you to support GLO in this way?” And this is what she said…

“Prayer is the mighty engine that is to move missionary work” (A.B.Simpson). I love this quote, to me it paints a picture of an engine room where prayer and pray-ers are the ‘nuts and bolts’ in maintaining missionary organisations and their people.     

I live south of Perth, Western Australia, which is considered one of the most isolated capital cities in the world! Although I have always felt a call to mission, I became more intentional about 25 years ago through connections with China where my husband and I taught English for six months, later twelve-month contracts in 2001 and 2003.  Personal connections have since expanded to other nations, and now Burundi is added to my engine room of prayer.

Prior to connecting with online prayer for Burundi, I had been listening to and inspired by Simon’s weekly podcast. (I have known Simon’s aunt and uncle through missionary connections, and his personal family connections with Burundi.)  The GLO Zoom prayer meeting every Saturday connects us, not only with Burundian brothers and sisters, but those from other countries too.  My faith has been inspired by hearing stories where many are living like Paul describes in 2 Corinthians 4 (The Message translation is so descriptive).

Being faithful in prayer, and financial support when possible, encourages our brothers and sisters who are living out their faith. Saturday prayer times can be ‘messy,’ as we often rejoice/cry/despair/question together yet at the same time strengthen one another under our King Jesus!   To me, it is very much the body of Christ in action, serving one another through prayer and encouragement. At the end of the prayer time, there is an opportunity to ‘chat’ in small groups and again connect with our global family. I believe our oldest super supporter would be in his 90s, a legend!

I would like to encourage others to join us for a time of shared prayer. You will be amazed and in awe of the work your fellow brothers and sisters are doing for their nation. Don’t be afraid, we want to hear prayers from the heart, and sometimes they can simply be: “Lord have Mercy” because there are no other words to say.

This little nation in the centre of Africa, which has suffered greatly, may well be the centre of a great spiritual awakening!

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