Ephraim from Together for Development used his Christmas gift to rent out a local restaurant and provide Christmas lunch for over 40 children! Beautiful!
Below are some photos of the lunch, and of other partners receiving their gifts. Thank you for making it possible!
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What a joy to see this love as children rejoice. God’s blessings for sharing His love and mercy. Hallelujah xxx💙🙏🙏🎉💐🕎💙
How lovely, praying for Our Great God to bless these Church Leaders
A Special Man
May the Lord Jesus Christ continue to move the heart of believers everywhere to give generously and bless more children where it´s most needed. May God continue to encourage and streghten the work of GLO. God bless everyone.
May we, go under God’s way’s & laws & continue to pray for the family of Christ, heal our nation Lord Jesus! A movement in 2023, things will change in Jesus name we pray, we stand was God’s family, helding a broken world, which needs Christ
It’s very humbling to see these dear ones, glad your doing all that you are Simon. Many blessings H
powerful testimonies.May our heavenly Father continue to strengthen you and gives you enough money to reach more poor children
Ephraim, this is so beautiful. Your amazing love and generosity makes me cry. May God richly bless you and your family, and these beautiful children too. ♥️
Amen, praise the Lord.
Happy New Year everyone! God bless you all.
True joy from such an overflowing abundant heart of Jesus ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ So good to see so many happy children and family blessed
Wonderful! Am so amazed at how the local brothers just continue to share and bless others.
Wow,God bless these wonderful people, what a beautiful way to celebrate and share the meal with so many children,their smiles&joy touched my heart,blessed me, and thank you for sharing 😊 ❤
So wonderful to see. Amazing people! What fantastic cooks! So good to see a whole community of children and adults alike enjoying Christmas together. The photo of Ephraim with the kids and their Fanta bottles made me cry!!
Thank you !!! It was absolutely wonderful on Saturday to watch the thrill & joy on faces, as they celebrated Christmas! Made me cry. Such simple things thrill them!
My family have grown used to me giving animals on their behalf, excited to know “so,what are we giving this year Nan?”
Love it!
Well done Ephraim and all the GLO team. Loved the photos and video – made me so happy too!
Beautiful xxx
Wishing everyone in Burundi a happy and peaceful new year. xx