Blessing Families in Burundi at Christmas

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Blessing Families in Burundi at Christmas

My greatest joy as I sit down for Christmas lunch with my loved ones in England is to know that we have blessed the 801 families whose Mum or Dad work for one of our partners in Burundi with £40 ($50) each. They work so hard through the year in the face of relentless daily challenges, so let’s honour them. If each family has an average of 4 kids, that’s about 5000 people we want to help have a lovely Christmas.

Thank you!

Simon Guillebaud

The best way to support our fantastic partners is with a regular donation. This enables us to give consistent support throughout the year.
If you would like to become a GLO ‘Ambassador’ – a monthly supporter – then please click here.

Other Giving Options:

If you are donating in other currencies, please do include a message to inform us of what your donation is for (appeal, sponsorship etc)

To give by bank transfer:

Account Name: Great Lakes Outreach
Account No: 13505459
Sort Code: 60-04-53

Please put your name and GLO as the reference and email to tell us. 

Cheques are payable to Great Lakes Outreach and should be sent to:
Great Lakes Outreach, 1st Floor, Tower House, Latimer Park, Chesham, Buckinghamshire, HP5 1TU. 

International Bank Transfers: 

Contact us if you would like to send GLO an international bank transfer from a non-UK bank account.

The needs in Burundi are huge and donations will be used where most needed unless stated. Gift Aid is also used where most needed.