Stunning Gospel Fruit!

Stunning Gospel Fruit!

I wasted 15 years of my life, but Jesus has set me free...

I wasted 15 years of my life, but Jesus has set me free...

Breaking Free: From Addiction to Salvation

Nsabimana was in a bad way when the evangelists encountered him

Nsabimana’s life took a wrong turn 15 years ago. What began as casual weekends spent drinking with friends spiralled into something darker. A few drinks quickly turned into inebriation, to the point where he would often pass out. Many nights, Nsabimana found himself waking up in ditches, unable to remember how he got there. His family pleaded with him to cut ties with his friends and turn his life around, but their advice went unheard.

Things worsened when Nsabimana turned to drugs. His behaviour became aggressive, especially toward his family, he would even steal from them to fund his addiction. After years of trying to help him without success, his family had no choice but to send him away from the house. “We tried everything, but nothing seemed to change him,” his father recalls. 

So for the past decade, Nsabimana lived on the streets, scavenging for food in bins and scraping together whatever he could to fuel his drug habit. People saw him as a crazy addict and would do everything to avoid him whenever they saw him in the streets.

Everything changed when three evangelists, from the Harvest Initiatives National Evangelism Campaign noticed Nsabimana sitting alone by the roadside. Aroni, one of the evangelists, felt prompted by Holy Spirit to approach Nsabimana. When he mentioned it to his fellow evangelists, they suggested that if Nsabimana was still there when they returned, they would speak to him. But still, the Spirit in Aroni wouldn’t allow him to move forward, so they turned around there and then.

When they reached Nsabimana, he was too weak to say much. They bought him some food and began talking to him. The evangelists offered to pray for him, and without hesitation, Nsabimana agreed. “You’ve made me feel human again,” he said through tears. “I’ve felt unworthy for so long.”

After the prayer, the evangelists asked what they could do to help. Nsabimana, overcome with emotion, replied, “Ask my father for forgiveness.”

They took him to his father’s house, where Nsabimana fell to his knees, begging for forgiveness. His father, who had once sworn never to see him again, was overcome with bittersweet emotions. But in that moment, he forgave his son.

It’s been two weeks since Nsabimana’s transformation. For the past two Sundays, he’s been attending church and meeting with the evangelists who prayed for him. 

“I had completely lost myself,” Nsabimana shared. “I was filled with anger, resentment, and emptiness. But now, I’m free in Jesus’ name. I’m happy again and grateful my father has forgiven me. I wasted 15 years of my life, but Jesus has set me free from the bondage of Satan. Since they prayed for me, I’ve had no desire to smoke or drink.”

In fact, the change has been so dramatic that three of his friends have also given their lives to Christ!

A crowd gathers to watch the Jesus film at the outreach.

From Despair to Divine Healing

In the hills of Kije, Makamba province, there was a 38-year-old man named Sibomana. Once a very active man who was able to provide for his family, now Sibonama could barely even lift his head. What started as a simple cough, worsened over the last 2 months. Sibonama had completely lost control of the left side of his body. Not able to afford further treatment, he had no choice but to lie down and wait for his fate.

When a group of evangelists approached him, they took pity on him. They knelt next to him and laid their hands on him, undeterred by the coughing. They called upon God’s healing hand upon him. Sibomana describes: “As I was prayed for, an overwhelming sensation passed through my body.”

When Sibomana woke up the next day, he could turn his head and move. Now, he has completely recovered and there’s not a single pain in his body. Amazing! “I am now healed, I can’t believe that I’m walking again with both my feet. There isn’t an ounce of pain in my body.”

The Sorceress’s Confession

Beatrice was both feared and hated in her community. At 45 years old, her reputation for casting curses on those who wronged her was well-known. Rumours circulated that she had even been responsible for the deaths of her husband and his brother during a bitter family conflict.

Despite her menacing presence, many came to Beatrice for her power, and she became a prominent sorceress in the hills of Kayogoro, in the Province of Makamba. For weeks, a group of evangelists had been going door to door preaching the gospel. “We were warned not to go near Beatrice’s house because of her notorious wickedness,” Jean recalled. “But we prayed for God’s strength, believing that our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against spiritual forces of darkness.” (Ephesians 6:12)

When Jean and his fellow evangelists finally entered Beatrice’s home, they were surprised to be welcomed without hostility. They offered to pray for her, and to their amazement, Beatrice broke down in tears. Overcome with emotion, she confessed to bewitching her brother-in-law and immediately went to his widow to seek forgiveness.

The two women embraced, weeping together, surprising the crowd that had gathered to witness the scene. The evangelists took the opportunity to share a message of forgiveness, explaining how God sent His Son to die for our sins, and that we too must forgive one another. The crowd were so moved by the message, many chose to commit their lives to Christ.

Now joy and unity reign in the family and throughout the community.

A Birth Against All Odds

Jacqueline and baby, Mugisha

Jacqueline’s prolonged labour for over a week presented a grave concern for her and her unborn baby. Despite the efforts of doctors, the baby remained stubbornly stuck, prompting a recommendation for a cesarean section to ensure the safety of both mother and child. 

On the day of the operation, two evangelists came to visit Jacqueline at the hospital. Driven by faith, they laid their hands on Jacqueline, fervently praying for a miracle. Their belief in the power of God reassured Jacqueline and her family.

To everyone’s surprise, that very night, against all medical expectations, she went into labour and gave birth naturally. Baby *Mugisha was born healthy and strong.

This unexpected and miraculous turn of events not only spared Jacqueline from surgery but rejuvenated her faith in God.

In a country where maternal and infant mortality rates are a serious concern, the safe delivery of Jacqueline and baby Mugisha’s story carries extra weight, inspiring those in her community to see God’s power at work.

Jacqueline and her newborn son are now safely back at home, embracing their new life together.

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