We are so grateful for the network of fantastic supporters like you! We could not do our work without people who have a passion for Burundi, and give time, energy, prayers and finances to enable our impactful work.
Ella first connected with GLO 20 years ago. She was challenged by Simon Guillebaud’s stories from life in war-torn Burundi, “I left thinking ‘Wow I wish I had that level of faith and courage under fire.’ I started praying for him and the nation.” But Ella’s passion deepened when she visited Burundi with her church, St Michael’s Charleston. “It was inspiring to learn the Christian approach to raising young leaders in this nation. Orphaned children were being educated and cared for, young male soldiers were taught to be mechanics, and vulnerable prostitutes learning to sew. I developed lasting relationships with some of the young leaders and trainees working with GLO.”
“Giving to an organization that is ethical to the core is mandatory for me.” Ella’s passion for financial integrity is also foundational for GLO, both within our organization, and the high standards we ask of our partners in Burundi. “When I give funds I know they are helping in the intended manner in which they are given. That is priceless!”
But Ella’s support goes beyond finances, “What I have learned is that besides giving financially, I can do my part by my daily prayers for the leaders, their families and organizations needs, for friends in the country, political leaders and for each citizen to turn to Christ, to minister to one another in love.”
As well as giving of themselves, many supporters share the inspiration they take from the people of Burundi. “These leaders encourage me personally by the examples they set of how they live out their faith unabashedly. I love sharing about GLO with friends and family. Like me, many had never heard of Burundi – it may be small and poor but it is not forgotten and God’s guiding light is all over the miracles happening there.
If you have an idea to raise awareness or fundraise for our work in Burundi, we would love to support you! Get in touch, and we’ll be happy to provide you with printed or digital material, or help creating a fundraising page, to help make it a success.